Holland Ridge Farms is a fast growing family business in the agritourism industry. We offer a fun, flexible and rewarding work environment for people of all ages and backgrounds. Plus, there is plenty of room to grow here – excuse the pun!

Love flowers? Bring that love to our Spring Spectacular!

Holland Ridge Farms is looking to hire seasonal staff for our Spring Spectacular. We grow over 8 million tulips across our farm and need your help to make this event as petal-perfect as possible!

Fun Jobs for Everyone!

Parking Crew

Members of the Parking Crew are responsible for all aspects of parking for both general and handicap lots.  Handicap parking is designated only for those guests who have a handicap placard or license plate.  All other vehicles will be parked in general parking.

There are several different positions within Parking Crew, which are often rotated throughout the day.  Some people will be positioned on the road to usher vehicles into the parking lot while others will be positioned at various points inside the lot to park our guests as quickly and safely as possible.

Members of Parking Crew are issued a radio at the beginning of each scheduled shift to directly communicate with other members of the team, as well as a coordinating leader.

It is the responsibility of the Parking Crew to, quickly and efficiently, move the flow of traffic, whether it be coming into, or going out of the parking lots.

This is a highly demanding and physically strenuous job.

Ticket Scanner

Ticket Scanners are placed at one of four entrances.  iPhones are used to scan guest tickets.  A guest’s ticket is scanned via QR code.  Each ticket purchased has a separate QR code.  If a guest does not have their QR code (or the code does not properly scan) the Ticket Scanner is then able to search for and check in a guest’s ticket(s) by order number or name.

Ticket Scanners deal with heavy and lengthy guest lines.  It is important to check in guests as quickly as possible.  It is also important to remain calm, especially under the stress of long lines and sometimes unfriendly or irritated customers.  Firm but friendly is key.  This position requires long periods of standing.

Shuttle Stop Attendant

This position is very active and requires a lot of face time with our guests.  Shuttle Stop Attendants are responsible for a specific shuttle stop.  Their main function is to safely load and unload our guests on the tractor shuttles.  There are a total of seven shuttle stops which are numbered 1-7.  Guests line up at these shuttle stops to get on a tractor shuttle.  Each tractor shuttle is equipped with two wagons.  Each wagon can hold up to 30 people.


A sleever counts the stems picked by our guests, loads them into a plastic flower sleeve, and then uses a sharpie to mark directly on the sleeve the number of stems counted.

When a guest arrives at a sleeving station, the sleever should take the bucket of picked flowers from the guest, gently slide the flowers onto the counting table, and begin counting the flower stems from the cut end.


Cashiers function in two ways: ringing up a guest’s flower purchase, or ringing up HRF merchandise and apparel in the Souvenir Shops.  All transactions are processed through a simplified POS (Point of Sale) system called Shopify.  All cashiers are expected to handle transactions quickly and efficiently.

For Cashiers ringing flower purchases, guests will arrive at the register with bundles of sleeved flowers.  The flower stems will have already been counted by a sleever prior to arriving at the register. The number of stems will be written in sharpie somewhere on the sleeve.

All cashiers will process both cash and credit transactions.  Electronic wallets such as Apple or Samsung Pay are also accepted.


Our brand new Dutch Windmill will be opening this spring! We will be looking for ticket scanners, line controllers and deck patrol to keep our windmill a happy and safe environment.

Specific information will be coming soon.

Souvenir Shop

The Souvenir Shop will deal primarily with HRF merchandise & apparel.  Attendants will keep apparel storage bins neat and organized – making sure to re-fold or re-organize items after a storage bin has been accessed.

Storage bins are clearly marked with style, size, and color – ie.: Adult Hoodie, XL, Blue

Other merchandise includes magnets, key chains, stickers, etc.

Gator Driver

Gators are glorified golf carts.  They are used to transport our handicap patrons.  Any guest permitted to park in our handicap lot has the option of utilizing our Gator transport, as well as one member of their party to accompany/help them.

There are several designated pick-up/drop-off locations throughout the farm.  These locations are designated with a blue handicap picnic table.  Any handicap patron looking for a gator transport may wait at a blue table for pickup.  Handicap patrons should also feel welcome to use our tractor shuttles if it is physically comfortable for them so to do.  They are not directly limited to gator transport.

Due to the nature of handicap transport, Gator Drivers are expected to be courteous, patient, friendly, and caring.  It is also important for a Gator Driver to be aware and drive slowly when transporting. Drivers must also be able to lift a walker, cane or wheelchair and put in the back out the Gator.

Gator Drivers may not accept tips.  If a handicap patron is insistent, the driver may accept the tip and turn it in at the end of the day along with their radio and gator key.  Any tips collected will be donated to the local fire company at the end of the festival.

All Gator Drivers will communicate with a radio.  Radios and gator keys will be obtained from the farm office at the beginning of each scheduled shift.  All equipment is returned to the office at the end of the shift.

Field Crew

Field Crew is responsible for general festival maintenance: garbage collection, litter control, bucket & clipper collection, etc.

The daily tasks of field crew are determined on an “as needed” basis by management.

This is a highly active position with little down time.

Tractor Driver

Tractor Drivers are needed to provide our guests with transportation shuttles around the farm.  Each tractor pulls two wagons that can transport a collective total of approximately 60 people.  The tractor shuttles follow a prescribed path around the farm, and stop at 7 different locations along the course of the route.

Tractor Drivers should have previous experience driving on farms and uneven ground. 

Apply Here!

  • Breathtaking Scenery

    Work among our millions of flowers in a variety of roles!

  • Unique Experiences

    Meet other hard-working, flower-loving friends at the happiest place in the Garden State!

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